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Edward Becker from Michigan
visited this site on Jan 11, 2023 12:07 PM
My Modify this entry (Protected)Rate or RankRemove this entry (Protected) was -
I was aboard -
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My comments about this site are:
I was on the med cruse September and was assigned to
extra duties as the ship's photographer so I took lots of
photos. some were shown in the cruse book. I enjoyed
my time on the gearing. by the way when we returned
from the Bay of pigs we returned to Mayport not Newark. Modify this entry (Protected) Remove this entry (Protected)

Edward Becker from Michigan
visited this site on Jan 3, 2023 5:06 PM
My Modify this entry (Protected)Rate or RankRemove this entry (Protected) was -
I was aboard -
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My comments about this site are:
I have a copy of the cruse Book from September to
January I was looking through it and decided to contact
you Modify this entry (Protected) Remove this entry (Protected)

John Sereno from VA
visited this site on Oct 19, 2021 8:19 PM
My Modify this entry (Protected)Rate or RankRemove this entry (Protected) was - STG2
I was aboard - 62-65
You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->

My comments about this site are:
Looking for Sonarmen from 1960-1965 Modify this entry (Protected) Remove this entry (Protected)

Rich Lesandro from FL
visited this site on Aug 3, 2021 9:57 PM
My Modify this entry (Protected)Rate or RankRemove this entry (Protected) was - TM3
I was aboard - 54-56
You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->

My comments about this site are:
Does anyone remember when the anchor chain broke
and killed a shipmate in 1955 or 1956 ? Modify this entry (Protected) Remove this entry (Protected)

Howard R. Towle from Maine
visited this site on Jul 24, 2021 11:53 AM
My Modify this entry (Protected)Rate or RankRemove this entry (Protected) was -
I was aboard -
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My comments about this site are:
I have been too long absent from Gearing crew mates, and do hope this situation can be corrected soon. Thank you for this platform for reconnecting. Modify this entry (Protected) Remove this entry (Protected)

John Sereno from VA
visited this site on Jun 26, 2021 5:09 PM
My Modify this entry (Protected)Rate or RankRemove this entry (Protected) was - STG2
I was aboard - 62-65
You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->

My comments about this site are:
Loved the Gearing. Modify this entry (Protected) Remove this entry (Protected)

James R. Prass from OH
visited this site on Mar 19, 2021 4:21 AM
My Modify this entry (Protected)Rate or RankRemove this entry (Protected) was - SHSN
I was aboard - 67-68
You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->

My comments about this site are:
BRAVEST MEN I EVER KNEW. Modify this entry (Protected) Remove this entry (Protected)

Thomas F. Cartwright from Texas
visited this site on Dec 28, 2020 10:31 PM
My Modify this entry (Protected)Rate or RankRemove this entry (Protected) was -
I was aboard -
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My comments about this site are:
My dad passed on July 6, 2002. After the
Gearing, he graduated West Point and served
26 years as a pilot in the USAF, receiving the
Purple Heart and Silver Star for his service in
Vietnam. He retired from Northrop as an
aeronautical engineer. I enjoyed listening to
his stories about his time on the sea. He is
missed. Modify this entry (Protected) Remove this entry (Protected)

John Erdody from MI
visited this site on Feb 18, 2020 5:52 PM
My Modify this entry (Protected)Rate or RankRemove this entry (Protected) was - RMSN
I was aboard - 66-67
You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->

My comments about this site are:
Came aboard Gearing while it was in dry dock
in Boston in summer of 66. Made our training
cruise to Gitmo that fall and then to the Med
for the winter. Left for Radio A school when
we got back in spring and spent the next
three years in west pac but never forgot
where I started. Modify this entry (Protected) Remove this entry (Protected)

Van McClendon from AR
visited this site on Jan 31, 2020 12:40 PM
My Modify this entry (Protected)Rate or RankRemove this entry (Protected) was - RD2
I was aboard - 70-72
You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->

My comments about this site are:
Hello Old Salts,

I am considering attending the reunion June, 11, 2020 and I have not ever put my information on this site so I thought it would be a good idea to do it. Modify this entry (Protected) Remove this entry (Protected)

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