James R. Prass from OH
visited this site on Mar 19, 2021 4:21 AM My Rate or Rank was - SHSN I was aboard - 67-68 You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->
RATE or RANK: SHSN DATES ABOARD: 67-68 My comments about this site are:
Thomas F. Cartwright from Texas
visited this site on Dec 28, 2020 10:31 PM My Rate or Rank was - I was aboard - You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->
My comments about this site are:
My dad passed on July 6, 2002. After the Gearing, he graduated West Point and served 26 years as a pilot in the USAF, receiving the Purple Heart and Silver Star for his service in Vietnam. He retired from Northrop as an aeronautical engineer. I enjoyed listening to his stories about his time on the sea. He is missed.
John Erdody from MI
visited this site on Feb 18, 2020 5:52 PM My Rate or Rank was - RMSN I was aboard - 66-67 You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->
RATE or RANK: RMSN DATES ABOARD: 66-67 My comments about this site are:
Came aboard Gearing while it was in dry dock in Boston in summer of 66. Made our training cruise to Gitmo that fall and then to the Med for the winter. Left for Radio A school when we got back in spring and spent the next three years in west pac but never forgot where I started.
Van McClendon from AR
visited this site on Jan 31, 2020 12:40 PM My Rate or Rank was - RD2 I was aboard - 70-72 You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->
RATE or RANK: RD2 DATES ABOARD: 70-72 My comments about this site are:
Hello Old Salts,
I am considering attending the reunion June, 11, 2020 and I have not ever put my information on this site so I thought it would be a good idea to do it.
Paul Turnau from VA
visited this site on May 26, 2019 3:42 PM My Rate or Rank was - I was aboard - 69-70 You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->
DATES ABOARD: 69-70 My comments about this site are:
Served from 1969-70. Was CIC Officer prior to transfer in the fall of 1970. I have some great photo slides from our 1969 Med Cruise I would be happy to provide the Association.
Richard L Hendricks from MD
visited this site on Feb 26, 2019 8:37 AM My Rate or Rank was - PN1 I was aboard - 68-69 You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->
RATE or RANK: PN1 DATES ABOARD: 68-69 My comments about this site are:
Hopeful of attending 2019 reunion
Fred Lee Dietelbach from OH
visited this site on Aug 1, 2018 2:09 PM My Rate or Rank was - MM2 I was aboard - 69-70 You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->
RATE or RANK: MM2 DATES ABOARD: 69-70 My comments about this site are:
Hello out there just saying hi! Now anyone remember swim call about 15 20 guys jumped off fantell and the current started taking them away from the ship so some started to panic Tim Myers was one anyway I came up from main control to watch and notice Tim myer Pannikin so off with my shoes and shirt and over I went couse they were throwing life jackets life Rings over the back I grab one and went to tim Myers with it in time I went by Dietz..
Gerald Beers from FL
visited this site on Dec 28, 2017 12:43 PM My Rate or Rank was - BMSN I was aboard - 65-68 You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->
RATE or RANK: BMSN DATES ABOARD: 65-68 My comments about this site are:
Enjoy my time on the Gearing
John R Carroll from Tennessee
visited this site on Dec 22, 2017 8:17 AM My Rate or Rank was - I was aboard - You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->
My comments about this site are:
Hadn't been here in a while. Still a great site.
Michael J Mazzeo from Connecticut
visited this site on Apr 17, 2017 3:55 PM My Rate or Rank was - GMGSN I was aboard - 71-73 You can E-mail me by clicking on the mail icon ->
RATE or RANK: GMGSN DATES ABOARD: 71-73 My comments about this site are:
Remember the burial at sea winter 1972 or 1973
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